Pupil Voice Feedback...
We recently asked pupils for their voice, by asking 12 questions; 2 open questions and 10 questions to which they agree, disagree or weren't sure, to attain feedback from the KS2 pupils we teach PE. We wanted their personal opinion on their feelings, knowledge and understanding to gain an overview of how PE affects them, how we are performing and what we can do to increase the positive impact sport can have on them.
87.3% of pupils stated they enjoy their PE lessons - Only 1.2% said they didn’t.
84.4% of pupils believed PE was very important and allowed them to be healthy once they had left school - 14.5% weren’t sure.
75.3% of pupils understood what they were learning in their PE lessons - although 23.8% still weren’t sure.
75% of pupils understood the effect that PE has on their body - with 25% still not sure the effect it has.
Over 80% of pupils said their teachers make PE outcomes clear and only 15% not being sure.
Children were very honest in their own behaviour with 26% either not being sure or disagreeing that they had good behaviour - mean 75% of children were believed to be well behaved in their PE.
87.5% of pupils told us they thought their PE teacher explained things clearly in their lessons. Only 3.5% of pupils didn’t understand what they needed to improve on, with 23.1% not sure.
Varying degrees of thoughts regarding extracurricular sports clubs, as only 54.3% were in favour of participating in them - with 22.3 not liking to participate and 23.4% not sure.
79.2% of KS2 pupils felt confident in PE, only 5.9% of all pupils asked were not confident and 15% not sure how they felt in PE.
⭐︎ The voice of the children told us that the top 3 most liked aspects of PE and School Sport was participating and having fun (37), being active, getting fit and exercising (25), and Dance (22). These 3 were closely followed by Football (16), Warm-ups (15) and Fun Games (16) in their lessons.
⭐︎ When asked what the children wanted more of in PE, they answered with the most popular being Football (27) followed by, better and more sensible behaviour from others (17), Dodgeball (16), Dance (15) and more PE (14) in the Top 5.
What our findings tell us...
Importance of PE
Children understand the importance of being fit, active and healthy as part of their health and wellbeing. But also the importance that PE is fun and engaging with the interaction of participating with others is huge.
We need to focus on those who feel low in self-confidence and self-esteem by ensuring they; are given the support, develop the confidence and feel happy in their ability to achieve within PE
The majority of pupils are demonstrating good behaviour & good attitudes in PE lessons. However, we need to engage, motivate and stimulate the 26% not demonstrating positive behaviour to keep those pupils consistently performing and improving.
Pupils require more development in understanding the body, with how and what effects exercise does to our body. We also to provide clearer communication on what skills pupils are learning and what the lesson outcomes are within all lessons.
Extracurricular Clubs
It is important to find out why 45.7% of pupils are not participating in extra-curricular clubs, also how they are staying active if they are not involved in ASCs' & how we could use ASCs' to benefit more children.
Pupils were found to have the most passion for Football, Dodgeball and Dance. They also displayed huge passion for PE through asking for increased opportunity and requesting for better behaviour from those in lessons.