Team Teaching / Mentoring

Our Team Teaching and Mentoring Programme supports the Empowering of others to deliver physical education to it's highest standard for the benefit of all children.


We understand that the delivery of PE is something not all teachers feel comfortable or confident doing within a primary school setting. This is where we are here to help, by providing solutions to improve the delivery of your core physical education programme.

Our highly qualified Team will mentor your teachers to develop their knowledge in a range of sports so they feel comfortable teaching PE in line with the National Curriculum.

Our personal and friendly approach provides varying degree of content and support to both help and enhance teachers to deliver competently.  This includes:

✔︎ Enhanced knowledge of sports techniques
✔︎ Progressive lesson planning
✔︎ Creative and imaginative contents to deliver
✔︎ 'Parrot on the shoulder' mentoring technique
✔︎ 'Copycat' delivery
✔︎ Briefings and debriefings
✔︎ Additional methods of behaviour in sport


⭐︎ Investment into staff (CPD)

⭐︎ Less extended budget costs

⭐︎ Confident and motivated staff with high morale

⭐︎ Enhanced quality of (PE) teaching

⭐︎ Engaged and motivated children

⭐︎ Increased Ofsted reviews

Email us: [email protected] Or contact us directly to meet us and discuss